Monday, February 25, 2008

An American Girl at the Oscars

The weekend was simultaneously low key and nonstop. (hyphens confuse me btw) Friday afternoon I had to hurry home to teach a voice lesson and spruce up the house because it has been somewhat of a disaster for longer than I care to mention. I had anticipated the possibility of going somewhere but upon having a freshly made bed, folded laundry, some art zine I had ordered off the internet and a glass of white wine, I just decided to stay in. It was really the best decision.

Saturday was my day with the dolls and boy a day it was.

I don't even know what to say. I mean, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be and it was certainly a pleasure to see my niece. She is really the sweetest girl that ever walked this planet and I support her in her American Girl doll love, but to be an active participant was pretty ... um .. interesting. I kept pretending I was just at the Drake for tea or something, even though I imagine the Drake wouldn't paper there walls with black and white stripes with chandeliers made out of pink flowers.

Here. Just look.

Yea, the dolls have chairs at the table and my niece managed to match the decorations of the restaurant.

I mean, given the circumstances we were pretty freakin' cute. (Note the product placement above my right shoulder.)

Oh yea, and I ate this.

Anyway, chalk it up to a new experience and I'll pretty much do anything for child of my siblings... so it is.

Yesterday I sang in the AM, but then managed to get about and hour and a half of walking around in the sun which was pretty amazing. The real reason was because the red line trains weren't running to get my to my final destination so I just decided to do it by foot. I was reminded for a bit what spring is going to feel like and ooooo it will feel good. I spent the bulk of my afternoon meeting with a group from class to work on our project. I still find it odd that I'm a student. When people ask me "what I do?" I always forget to include that part, but I guess I'm a student that goes to class and does projects with classmates and stuff? Weeeeird.

The day ended with a little Oscar gathering, which was of course nice because I was with good people... but overall I didn't feel particularly interested. My highlight was when John Stuart had Marketa Irglova return to the stage and give an acceptance speech because she was not given the opportunity. What a brilliant girl. Born in 1988. You do the math.

Also, Tilda Swinton.
What an androgynous dream.

6' tall.
Oh, and given my appreciation for There will be blood I was pleased to see Daniel Day Lewis win his award.

It is a potentially rainy (then snowy) Monday.

1 comment:

MC said...

I heart Tilda, too! We really are the same person.

Davin, the next time my mom goes to Chicago and wants to do the AGD business, I'm having her call you. Davin and Bailey, having tea with the dolls.