Monday, March 24, 2008

And then it was Monday.

Oh, friends. Where do the weekends go? I why do they go so quickly. I find it completely frustrating that I am already back in the work seat, but such is life... and such it will be for many years to come.

Try and not be depressed by that.

I was exhausted yesterday afternoon/evening. I really overextended myself over the last four days. I sang large amounts of music on Thursday - Sunday and didn't realize that the Catholic service I was singing in on Saturday was the culmination of the Catholic calendar so it lasted well over two hours and apparently can sometimes last up to four? Well, now I know and all I can say is that I earned my paycheck.

Thursday I took off from work a bit early, as it was the beginning of spring break for our students and it was quiet so we were sent a packin' by my boss. I'd been jonesin' for a haircut, but as is typical Davin, I hadn't planned so I tried to get into a couple uppety places at the last minute... but no such luck. So, I decided I should sit tight until I walked pass "Klassy Kuts". I saw and older eastern European man and woman just sitting at the desk just staring at me as I looked back at them. I decided to give it a go. It is essentially a little barber shop, and I just asked my Russian lady barber to give me a clean up (for fear that she would make me militariesque. She pulled out this HUGE pic and a pair of clippers and went to town. I have to say it is a lovely haircut that I am pleased with and it only cost me $12! Who knew?

Oh, and we had a snowstorm on Friday so my trip back from Michigan was filled with the fear that we simply might not make it as we were literally stuck in a traffic jam that didn't move for a half an hour near Benton Harbor. But alas, we made it back to the city.

After the hellalong service on Saturday night I had the lucky privilege of catching up with Adrianne and her bf. They were in from NYC for the weekend and we enjoyed a late night dinner at Andie's in Andersonville. She and I do just a terrible job of keeping in touch, but I just adore her and the familiarity we have with one another is kinda creepy... as though no time ever passes even if it really is passing more quickly than I can keep up with.

After singing at the easter service yesterday, I had a lovely laugh filled easter brunch with some friends. I laughed enough to be completely exhausted by the time I got home. I spent the remainder of my afternoon/evening convincing myself that it was ok to be still and fall in and out of sleep.

Today things are quiet on all fronts. I am in between school as it is "spring break" which for me isn't really a break, but alas, I'm not going to class. Rehearsal resume tomorrow for future gigs and I have plans for some fun non obligatory things this week. I'm just aching for spring. I really am.

Here we are having an impromptu omelet brunch in my regularly empty dining room.

(please note my hyacinth and that I'm wearing sweatpants.)

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