Wednesday, February 11, 2009

To accommodate a shift

It would be easy to be down today. I can kind of feel it in the cold and rainy February air, a kind of begging for a come down after the last few days of sun and warmth. Personally, I am also just very tired. The last two days were 9 to 9 days and then last night I couldn't exactly sleep, doing a bit of wrestling with the ways in which life is complicated. Those kind of nights frustrate me because it would seem I could spend daytime hours thinking through that sort of stuff, but for some reason it creeps in at night until it finally wears you out.

But today I'm choosing to keep my head high and get my job(s) done.

I've finally sent along my taxes, hoping that this year wont come along with the hefty price tag that other years have. This is one of the ways in which I don't love being a for contract musician. This makes my money making much more complicated than many of yours.

In two hours I will register for my next quarter of classes. This too, makes me nervous because I fear it will all be a bit more than I can handle... this Spring. It seems as though the date of my parents 50th anniversary celebration is in flux and given the tight set of dates that I'm already keeping, along with class and jobs, I don't know exactly how I can accommodate a shift. But, I will. I'd do anything to celebrate this for/with them.

Tonight is my night without obligations so I will attempt to make my way back to the gym.
I was doing so well last week.

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