Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On Blogging

I've been itching to delete my MySpace account for quite sometime. Jen called it the Detroit of the Internet which gave a chuckle. It does seem somewhat forgotten with regards to social networking... maybe not so for music, but it seems as though many have shifted their efforts to Facebook. As for me, I simply don't use it any longer as a means to keep up with people so I think it best I remove it from my arsenal of social networking. I also think from here on out whenever I add a site I should probably rid myself of another because it all becomes a little much when I think of that which I keep up with.

The reason I have been holding off on deleting the account is because I had about 4 years of blogging that it contained. Today I finally took the time to print it out (Thanks for the paper and ink, work!) so that I could keep the hard copy and delete the electronic. It looks a little something like this.

That's pretty intense! It is a lot of writing. In fact, I wrote my first blog in December of 2004. I joined MySpace just a few months prior to that. It is funny read some of the entries and realize how ridiculous I sound. It also reminds me the ways in which MySpace was a bit of a phenomenon when it first started, actually connecting a lot of people who didn't know each other in another capacity. But alas, I refuse to wax nostalgic about MySpace. So, I've got my hard copy and I'm saying goodbye!

Oh, and on my way out I was reminded about the time this picture popped up MySpace.

Sorry to do this to you again, Jen, but I think these are good reminders of how far we've come!

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