Monday, October 20, 2008

iGo uGo

Today I feel a low grade annoyance with everything.
It all started with the annoyance of simply having to wake up and now my annoyance continues with the fact that my eyes feel heavy and it is grey outside and it is Monday and my motivation is lacking and my fingers are cold and...

What a way to start a week, eh?
The problem is that I had a wonderful weekend and it was almost too wonderful so I didn't really get any time to sleep or do lazy things so I come from the weekend tired.

Today I placed these gourds on my desk.

The warty gourd.

The sea creature gourd.

It is my attempt at seeming fall like and festive, and hoping the warty gourd will actually deter people from touching my desk. I feel it will be the reverse.

The gourds are a souvenir from a lovely Saturday trip to Wisconsin friends. We wandered through an apple orchard, enjoyed the sun, purchased pumpkins and gourds and tasted nasty apple and pear wine. Overall it was the perfect fall activity for the perfect fall day. I brought back and pumpkin that begs to be carved, these gourds and some apples that are absolutely the sweetest apples I have ever tasted, validating driving such a long distance away.

Friday evening I enjoyed quite a random time out of art openings and some delicious Moroccan food. The art reminded me that I need to keep pushing myself.

Sunday morning I got up to sing and then I made my way home to gather my things to head to an afternoon birthday party. The afternoon began with softball and ended with loads of Mexican food. I only partook in the latter.

This morning as I was forcing myself to keep moving and get ready I begrudgingly listened to the pledge drive on NPR which was only made more enjoyable because it was being hosted by Ira Glass. I laughed to myself as he actually called a friend of a donor who said that he wouldn't be giving because he didn't feel he needed to. He was so dumbstruck to hear Ira's voice on the phone that he nearly immediately exclaimed that he would be making a donation. This got me thinking that I had recently made a personal committment to be more generous with my donations now that I am in my debtless state. Once at work I made my way over to the WBEZ website to consider my donation options and realized that at a certain level I would receive a complimentary year as an iGo car member. This is a perfect reward for donation as I have been considering joining iGo for a simple car option... especially post bike thievery.

So now, not only am I supporting the radio station I listen to every morning but I also can go to Ikea, because well, that is what people with cars do.

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