Monday, November 10, 2008

Total election hangover for the last week.
I wasn't able to even bring myself to blog for the remainder of the week, but now after a weekend of rejuvenation all feels right in the blogosphere, well, as it relates to me.

The weekend was generally good although it ushered in what feels like real winter weather, include actual snow flakes yesterday.
Yuck, I say.
I put on my winter coat for the first time and thought how I needed to purchase another as I get sick of wearing the same coat for what seems like the eternity of a Chicago winter.
Look at me, complaining about the weather already after we've had such a beautiful spring/summer/fall.
You can tell me to cry you a river. I will.

Friday night I was able to celebrate a couple of birthdays with friends and then Saturday Ryan and I made our way out to the suburbs to Ikea, which seemed somehow underwhelming. Although, I must confess (as I have done before) that I have a fascination with the suburbs as and escape. Being there is somehow exotic, if I only stay for an afternoon. Saturday evening I went with the ladies to do a late celebration of Jessica's birthday. Her only desire? A night with Girl Talk, so that is what we did. It was quite the scene of day glo clad hipsters. It was a lot of fun to watch and to participate in. The climax of the evening, the moment I had been waiting for patiently was the release of the balloons, which thanks to the magic of the iphone you can see with me below.


Sunday involved singing, more singing, Trader Joe's (which I believe to be the best place on the planet for frozen meals... but maybe I shouldn't be proclaiming that as it says something about my eating habits) and what has become my favorite Sunday night activity, Brothers and Sisters (also, maybe not the best thing to admit.)

I'm patiently waiting this week for at&t dry loop service at my house. I had a moment last week of ultimate frustation. One of those moments you realize how small and helpless you are in the midst of a beaurocratic commercial structure. Ugh.
But, I have no choice but to wait and in an effort to use time and money more wisely, I've cancelled Comcast and upped my Netflix!

I just got off the phone with Mary.
She called me "sanctimonious."
I'm looking down on her as I type.

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