Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dear Scarf Thief

Eat it.

I bought another one.

So, I sent my sister an email the other day asking if she wanted me to bring the Tofurkey as her daughter and I wont be indulging in the actual turkey and it is fun to have a fake so that people talk less about the fact that I'm not eating turkey. She just emailed me last night to tell me, yes, I should bring one. Therefore, I'm plotting my getaway from work so I can make it to whole foods to get a fancy overpriced fake turkey to take along with me on the train home in about two hours.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends. I am really looking forward to this getaway and actually catching up with some of you that I don't see regularly. My goal is to just make sure my jeans still fit by the end of the weekend, because lord knows they cost too much for me to eat myself out of them.


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