Friday, May 1, 2009

How Fragile We Are

Oh, I really have so much to say this AM.

My sister just emailed me to let me know that my niece had totaled their car this AM on the way to school. Apparently a girl driving in front of her was fighting with her brother and stopped the car in the middle of the road. Six kids were involved and everyone is ok, but the car capooey. Apparently this incident has reminded everyone of the days when Davin was 16? We're of course thankful everyone is ok, and I can't say I will ever forget when I flipped my car at the age of 16. It was maybe when I realized my mortality the most. Nothing like being flung about it in a huge heap of metal to remind you of how fragile you are.


Yesterday was my first day back at work after contracting what everyone insists upon labeling the swine flu. At this point, I'm just going to go with it for comic relief because as Mary says, if anyone is going to get swine flu, it will be me. It was incredible how much and how little I missed being gone for three days. I had a million small things to catch up on, but nothing of significance so I was able to ease back in to speaking with people regularly and sitting up right in a chair for hours at a time. Although I wasn't thrilled with my return, I was able to look forward to Linsey and I venturing to Artropolis in the evening. I must say, the art seemed secondary to the people. Of course at these fairs you are able to see pieces by artists that you only read about and especially on level 12, the Art Chicago level, where patrons were clad in suits and dresses, this was common place. But, when you head down to level 6, where the Next art fair is in full swing, you find that art is shown hand in hand with skinny jeans (myself included, I'll own that) and 20 somethings waiting in line for free Grolsch and popcorn. It was more of a party and as a result we had a run in with a number of faces from the past. It was entertaining, if not a little tiresome. I'm reminded when I attend these things that I need to do so more often. It is a necessary evil if one wants to be a part of a creative community.

I refused to carry my umbrella to work today in protest of the frustratingly consistent rain that we have been subject to for, well, the last month. Srsly. Can we get a break? Apparently this is the second wettest month on record. That seems dirty and unfortunate.

I also have a flat tire on my bicycle.

But, it is Friday and I'm planning to make the most of it.

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