Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A lost cause

So, earlier this morning I made my way over to the Office of Security to watch the security footage from yesterday hoping to at least view someone steal my bike... not that anything could be done with that visual, but ya know. Turns out the security camera doesn't aim as far as my bike was parked and so I watch three hours of pixelated students come in and out only to not be able to really see who took it. So, I mean, I've done what I can. I posted signs all over the school and I am keeping my eye open with the hope that some student is dumb enough to actually ride it around so I can truly push them off of it and scold them for making such poor decisions.

The problem with all of this is that in some bizarre twist of fate, as of today I am officially out of credit card debt. My goal was to be out of debt by the end of the year and here it is October and I'm done. Officially done. It feels so magical. It honestly feels as though now I can plan ahead save money for things that will be what I want. Imagine that! A savings. I have not had one of those since... well... um.

I have heard the suggestions of buying a new bicycle with my newly emptied credit card and my answer to that is "nuh uh!" I will only be making purchases in cash from here on out. If I can't afford it, I'm not going to buy it. Now granted, this may mean I can only buy a bike like this, but these are the sacrifices I am willing to make. For now, anyway.

This morning on NPR there was a piece about a woman who uses coupons to essentially get most things for free. She estimates that she has saved her family $6k this year on groceries alone. I found myself inspired, but then remembered I'm simply not that motivated... so, good for her.

I just got my hair snipped by Mario's Barbershop down the street. I have to say I have finally found a reliable haircut. It's nothing special really. It is just a regular barbershop clip, but it is always the same and that feels nice given my hair woes of the past. Thanks, Mario!

I'm going to search craigslist for another bike.


Jessica said...

i am so happy for your freedom from cc debt! now it's time to work on the national deficit. get some of that extra money into your 403(b)!

LFo said...

Hey wait. What's wrong with that bike? It's cute.