Friday, June 27, 2008

Before and After

This is a preview of what I imagine my birthday will or should look like.

and this is a preview of what I will look like after I turn 27.

I think this sums it up.

Have a happy weekend.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Quick thoughts.

I saw another fantastic movie on Tuesday evening. The Last Word is the story of a guy who writes epitaphs for persons who are going to commit suicide. It is dark, but has some points of humor and Winona Ryder really blew me away. I thought she was great and it is unfortunate that all I could think of most the time was the surveillance video of her shoplifting. I know, I know. It is an addiction.

Yesterday I was on the bus and I noticed this woman was in front of me reading a text book, so because I am nosy I was trying to figure out what it was. Then I noticed that it had two pictures of Britney spears on the page and I was wondering if she was reading US weekly inside a textbook, but no it was actually a text book that had used Britney as an example. I think it was some sort of developmental psychology thing because it said that Britney getting married and having a baby was a sign of her "growing up" to the public eye. Umm. Someone needs to send that textbook back to the manufacturer, stat.

My mother left a message on my phone yesterday. She and my father are on vacation and we have been playing phone tag because I can't seem to catch them when they are not either eating or lounging, so the message said "Daviiiiiinnnn. It's mother. (she always says this with the exact same inflection) We have been playing phone tag, but I thought maybe I could catch you. Well I will try again later. Oohh. Don't forget what is happening in a few days. I think it might be someone's birthday. I love you. Bye." Ha! I love that she is reminding me of my birthday in case I might forget? I have to figure out a way to save my parents phone messages because they are really priceless. My Dad's always say "Davin, it is you Dad. Everything in general. Nothing in particular."

Today really feels like summer. It is hot and muggy and I got off my bike at work in quite a sweat. I stopped by Starbucks to grab an iced coffee and while waiting I overheard the barista say to this "woman" "Do you want me to just remake it?" and she said "Oh, could you? I said tall VENTAY when I meant to say iced VENTAY." He obliged, but I wanted to take her aside and say actually you meant to say Venti pronounced VENTEE.

I think recounting that story makes me an annoying snob.

I will stop there.

Here, Robin and I enjoy our bubble teas.

and these are crabs.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bart Got a Room

So, the Mardi Gras party was pretty nice.
There were beads and masks and cajun dishes. Crawfish even. Unfortunately, I could only indulge in the corn bread and I didn't win any of the raffles... so I just collected beads (not that way) and watched the many many people who I "work" with.
It is interesting to work for such a large institution.
So many people make this engine run, yet I know so few?
I suppose if I would have taken off my shirt for the beads I might have gotten to know a few more?

So then after this party, I headed over to the Music Box Theatre (a long and lovely walk) to see the GenArt screening of Bart Got a Room. It was a really nice little stylized feel good movie about a quirky family in south Florida. I really enjoyed it. It was light and funny and it was entertaining to hear the director and actors (just some) speak after the movie. Once it gets picked up by a distribution company, I recommend seeing it in theatres. After the screening, there was an after party at the Ravenswood Billboard Factory, which was also a really nice time. It seems that summer is leading me to a lot of gatherings and parties. I wish I could remember that during winter and do a better job of taking advantage of the time at home.

This is a week of celebration for me, I guess.

I'm headed to a pre-birthday, birthday lunch.
Oh man, literally just as I was typing this my boss walked in the door with a lawn chair.
It is for me.
It comes with plastic wine glasses.
It is my birthday present.
This life I live...

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Single Bid

I ain't gonna lie, I thought my Friday at the beach was going to be a total bust given the fact that I awoke in the morning to the sound of pouring rain and a sky as grey as night, but! in the end, when all was said and done it was a successful day.

After a morning of talk show love and few too many cups of coffee, Robin agreed to meet me up by Argyle street for some afternoon shopping around little Vietnam. I haven't done this very extensively before and I have to say I was shocked by all the fun stores that are along there. We drank bubble teas and played with live crabs that people take out of boxes and eat. Yowzah are they fierce. Then, when the skies cleared for a bit we made our way over to the beach to soak up a bit of sun, but I'm afraid by the time we slathered sunscreen over our underexposed skin the sun had disappeared so we just spent the remainder of the time in the shade yelling and throwing sand at over zealous seagulls.

The remainder of the weekend was mostly spent outside, lounging, enjoying the sun. A street fair, and a cookout by the lake. A night at the Dunlay's with friends in the midst of people yelling at the TV about the Cubs and the Sox.

I had one bit of a shocker on Friday. Well, not a shocker, a long time coming... so long that it didn't seem it would come, but there has been a firm bid on my parents house and it seems as though it will be sold soon. This is the best thing that could happen to them as the house has been sitting on the market for two years (maybe more?) with not a single bid, and given the state of the Michigan economy it is great that someone is interested in buying. It is just going to be a very strange transition. I think in the back of my head I've always thought I could end up back there if I needed to. I probably never would nor will, but it's the idea that my childhood home would just be there if I needed it and now it wont be. There will be a new home and certainly space for me in it, but it's more about the idea I guess. It is a really intense feeling. I just hope to get home often this summer to take advantage of these last days.

More on this later.

Today I will leave work a bit early to go to a staff party with a New Orleans theme. What do you bet they are handing out Mardi Gras beads?

Then off to the GenArt film festival.

I think week will be a good one.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Productivity, especially.

I have been working especially hard today at work.

Yea, summer is terrible. I hate not having students around.

Bits of Nostalgia.

Whoa, so, how annoying was yesterdays post? Terribly whiny I say.

But today, I am full of vibrant energy. Feeling generally good about the world and listening to music that sounds something like this:

(it is recommended that you also listen to this while you read the remainder of this post)

I think it was about a year ago next week (or this weekend) that I was headed off to the Dominican Republic for a week in the sun and although we didn't hear music like this while we were there, it somehow takes me back to that place.

Also, Cyd Charisse died the other day, ya know, and as I was running on the treadmill and watching the news I saw a clip from Singing in the Rain. Now, I'm no old movie aficionado, but I do know Singing in the Rain and Cyd Charisse and after a few chunks of time on YouTube I was reminded of what a spectacular dancer that woman was and a looker to boot.

Also, because all I do now is watch the news and run, I saw some tributes to Tim Russert yesterday and it occurred to me how when someone dies we eulogies them so quickly and then we move on... and that is a necessary part of the grieving process I think, but I like the idea of the memory of those we love living on. A life is bigger than a eulogy and influence is long lasting.

My grandmother's memory lives on with me. I remember her regularly and she somehow still influences what I do. I really loved that woman and she taught me a lot about living. She was a feisty lady and I'll never forget how in her later years she would take her cordless phone from her house and go for walks around the block... assuming that the phone would still work even if she was a block away. I think grandma would have loved cell phones.

And, I've been getting a lot of German spam lately to my work email. It reads something like this: "Probieren Sie es - Mann Lebt nur einmal" or this: "Potenzprobleme? Ab jetzt nicht mehr"
Oh, Jah!

Finally, tomorrow I am taking Robin to the beach with me whether she likes it or not. I've taken a day for relaxation and fun, so come rain or shine, we will be showing our white limbs off to the world. Actually, I don't know if anyone's limbs can be as white as mine are currently but I do know that I will still be slathered in spf30.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Turn that bike around.

I feel a bit off today.
A bad mood, maybe?
Possibly getting sick.
Feeling a bit disconnected and frustrated with the Wednesdayness of Wednesday.
Not quite here, nor there. Wednesday, that is.
I have a kink in my neck.
I also have a brand new office chair that doesn't quite fit my desk, which is especially frustrating as I made my way to Office Max in an effort to do some quality sitting and find the right chair. I found it, but it is too short and one couldn't know that unless one tried the chair at the desk.
So hopefully it will go to use elsewhere in this building.

You know, the truth is that I always have a small case of wanderlust, but summer brings it on big time. That is what I feel.

I'm trying to curb this all by running.
Yesterday I headed away from work trying quite hard to go home because I wasn't feeling well and didn't feel like working out, but I managed to turn my bike around and go back to the gym. I think I might have the same struggle today.

Ok, so if I'm not Debbie Downer enough for you, check out this little piece of info.

Stick a Pin in It


I'm going to go run around the hall or something and shake off the funk.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here, kitty.

This morning on NPR, someone dedicated the segment to their cats. You know how you can give money and then they mention your name or you dedicate to "Jacob, the love of my life." or "My beautiful children whom without I could not live."? Well some cat lady (ahem) had the segment dedicated to like frisky and whiskers or something like that... and the catch phrase was "stay off the counter!"

I'm just sayin'.

I had a nice night watching Jessica in her new esteemed role at the Hideout and benefiting from her access to beverages. It was funny because somehow at one point conversation turned to the blogosphere and the internets and my blog(s) was explained. Jessica said it could potentially be my grocery list and I thought that was quite funny because it could indeed be my grocery list. In fact... just kidding. And you know, I wouldn't necessarily read this because I realize it is incredibly censored and not especially interesting, but I do like it as a record of the things I have done and will do. It is a lot of nothing, and I am totally ok with that as my goal for this summer is to do a better job of embracing nothing, so rather than feel self conscious about being boring, I will embrace this and all its nothingness.

Continuing on that track (whoa, puns!), I ran 3 miles yesterday and I rocked it. I even sprinted at the end. Look out Bastille Day 5k. I'm comin' for ya.

Turns out I can't get an iphone until next March... unless I buy myself out of my contract. I may do this. I think it is worth it.

I'm contemplating joining netflix again. This feels like another logical step toward embracing nothing. Or cable? Maybe cable, with movie channels. Then I might not leave my house. Danger! Danger!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Minus the deets.

I haven't told stories here yet today, not because I haven't had the time but rather because I don't know exactly where to start with my writing.

I could tell the story of the graduation ceremony that I helped coordinate and kept making me emotional even though I had no emotional investment in it. Mary said it is like Extreme Home Makeover in that it is supposed to make you emotional. It is even orchestrated for tears.

Or, maybe about how Tina and I traversed across the cityside to work on a project for our dear friend who is moving. It will be sweet when it is complete and I look forward to sharing it.

Or maybe even more eventfully, how I thought I was caught in a tornado on Sunday morning and the pane of glass on my front door was shattered. The best part about that story is that my landlady somehow managed to blame me for it.

But you know, I just am not feelin' like givin' the deets today. What I will do is post an embarrassing picture of Mary, detailing her sunburn she obtained whilst driving from PA to IL with her whiter than white arm out the window.

I will also say that I feel especially jealous of her travels this summer.

Friday, June 13, 2008

To Fridays

Jessica made this for me.

She describes it like this: "made from words i took from the laze posts 6/4-6/11. the bigger the words are the more often the appeared in the text."

Pretty sweet, but could I shutup about work and summer already? Oh, and bandaids. I mean, c'mon.

I'm tired today.
There was a thunderstorm last night like no other.
I am completing work duties today and tomorrow so I can then move into (here goes) summer mode. I just want to go to the beach instead, but I suppose the weather is preventative.

I will be back with a vengeance next week, witty quips galore.
much love.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Whoa, I almost forgot. officially supports Barack Obama.

We at theLAZE (ok, me) believe that Barack is the best candidate for president of the United States and will do our (my) part in getting him elected.

Congrats on being the Democratic Nominee, Barack. You rock.

The Kinks.

I feel like a million pounds have been lifted off my wee (although recently worked out) shoulders. I have completed my coursework for the school year and although I am not in the clear yet, my year of hectic commitments is coming to an end. After my work this Saturday, I will officially be able to call it summer. A sweet summer it will be. I have my vacation time mapped out and secured. I have tickets purchased for summer concerts, days specifically set aside to do nothing, projects to be completed and overall I just feel really good. I've almost made it through a hectic and semi rough patch. I feel successful.

AND, I'm ready for a "break", or something resembling a break.

Now, on to more important things.

I am not wearing any socks today and although I think this is perfectly fine, it occurred to my while I was waiting for the bus that maybe this is inappropriate work environment such as mine. See, I prefer no socks during the summer months because my feet (being extra large) get very hot and uncomfortable, so providing them with a little extra breathing room makes for me being a much happier camper. This being said, I work in an environment where I certainly push the dress code boundaries to begin with often wearing jeans when that is technically against the rules, so it seems that jeans and revealing a bear ankle may be a bit much.

But! Have no fear. When in need of fashion justification, take a trip on over to the Sartorialist.

Thanks, Sartorialist!

And this gentleman is rockin so chic grey in his locks, just as I soon will be.

In other consumer news, I want one of these, like, whoa.

My plan is up in November. Let's make it happen!

And in world news.
China put a ban on plastic grocery store bags. Go China!

Finally, in personal workout and health news.
I continue to eat better than I used to.
I also have continued to work out regularly and have run over three miles twice now, so I know can make it through my upcoming 5k run. I like that people are impressed when I say I'm running a race because it is quite silly to be impressed with something so short... but I'll take your oos and ahs. Keep em comin'.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just finished my paper.
Do you know what that means?





Monday, June 9, 2008

Hey Copper

I think my neighbors called the cops on me yesterday.

I decided (against my better judgment, see: cooler weather today)to install my air conditioner yesterday. It was the night before that really did me in as I didn't sleep much at all because the humidity seemed prohibitive. But, I've felt resistant to complaining much and or embarking upon an expensive summer of air conditioning because if you would read just a few entries ago in this blog you would find out that I've been cursing the cold for months. This being said, there is no denying that it is freaking hot lately and as Mary said to me on this very topic "it is only going to get hotter." So, I took heed end pulled the heavy thing out of the bottom of my closet.

This is where I think I got in a little trouble, because after nearly throwing my back out and putting the unit in my window (well, doesn't that sounds interesting)I had to go outside and figure out how to prop it up on the ledge. I searched my apartment for something resembling a 2x4, but alas there was not. The best I could come up with was a stack of plastic party plates that had been left at my place from Taylor and Al's engagement party. I figured these would suffice until I came up with a better solution, so I stood below the AC and shoved them underneath.

It was then that it occurred to me that it might look I was in fact trying to push the air conditioner in, robber style. I looked around. I didn't see anyone, so I proceeded. A good 15 minutes later I was standing in my dining room completing the task of installation and cleaning when I noticed the cops sitting in their little cop car outside my house looking at my windows. I just laid low with the hope that I wouldn't have to deal with them and eventually they went away.

This goes to show, don't try and push my unit in (ooo, once again!) or you might get the cops called on you.

The weekend was otherwise good. I enjoyed spending quality time with Mary.
The opening was quite nice.
I spent a good evening at Ravinia with the sounds of James Taylor, and I was able to make apartment somewhat cooler and my floors somewhat cleaner. Now I just need to get my paper somewhat written, so I can really kick of the summer.

Some pics from the opening.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bored in space.

I like the idea that I would potentially make it to space and just find myself bored. I mean, what is there really to do out there?

Have I ever told you about the bad kids who ride my bus?
I'm typically sympathetic to children's behavior because I have nine nieces and nephews and I know "how kids can be". This isn't to say I don't get frustrated with kids in general sometimes, but I get that they can't sit still and they tend to pick on each other etc.
This being said, there is this brother sister combo who ride the Fullerton bus east with me in the mornings and they are simply bad kids. Their behavior totally sucks and it takes most everything in me to not reach over and grab them by their ears and tell them so. As I typically ride my bike, I haven't been subjected to their bad behavior for a while, but this morning I bussed it and was reminded how I dreaded when I happened on the bus including the bad kids, but I had my headphones and I was prepared to fully ignore them.
The problem is, if you are sitting to close they inevitably end up in your space.
Hitting each other over you or simply slapping you by accident.
So this morning I had positioned myself far enough away and turned my music up just loud enough, but all of the sudden I realized that the entire back of the bus was turned around... staring at the bad kids. I don't know what happened, but some young gentleman took it upon himself to do what I have ALWAYS wanted to do.
Discipline them.
It was awesome.
He gave them the look, and everyone else did as a result.

5 minutes later, they were back to being bad.

This is another impetus to ride my bicycle.

My coworker was robbed yesterday.
I know so many people who get robbed.
I wish I did not.

I wish they would all sing and dance to this, like I am.

Bon weekend.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Also on my desk.

Don't ask me why.

The weather is so bizarre here today. I think tornadoes might be forecasted.

I had my last class last night. I wrote on the evaluation that I didn't think the professor knew how to control the class room and that it was not a safe space for multiple ideas or opinions. I also wrote that I thought he approached the class with a strong agenda in mind.

What if he reads my blog?

I'm missing friends who live away from me today.

I wish my life consisted of traveling to see them all regularly.

Mary will visit me tonight. Last time Mary stopped through my city, we tried to order pizza late at night only to find out that late night pizza delivery sucks. After many many MANY phone calls, we had to settle for Pizza Hut. The delivery guy somehow made it through my entryway door and stood at my door directly to my apartment. I didn't know this, and I thought I heard something, so in an effort to check to see what was going on I opened the door... and actually kind of screamed. He was standing there in the dark looking quite shocked. I think in the end I scared him more than he did me.

Maybe tonight we will go to a 24 hour diner. That seems safer.

I just realized I can go sell my books back right now. Nothing seems more gratifying than that possibility. I am off.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Worth mentioning.

Man, I cut the crap out of my finger the other night while trying to open a can of refried beans. It was a deep cut and it bled for nearly 45 minutes before I just gave up and put a bandaid on it with the hopes that it would stop.

Now, because I had no more bandaids at home and I remembered there were some at work, I decided to not redress my wound until this morning.

Turns out the bandaids at work are Sponge Bob Square Pants bandaids.

I have no idea why I have Sponge Bob Square Pants bandaids.
I couldn't have purchased them.
Or could I?
Which brings me to another point.
My desk and work life have become full of the necessities, which I find simultaneously really nice and kind of frightening. It is as though I have officially moved in. I have a tooth brush and tooth paste. I have floss. Lotion. Tylenol. Airborne. Ricola. Some extra change. Socks. A Blanket for summer picnics. Garlic powder? umm and some other things not worth mentioning. (were any of those worth mentioning?)

I feel as though someday I should do a video tour of my office because although it is not a pretty space, it is not simply retro filing cabinets.

Tonight I will do a presentation for class and then I will nearly be done for the summer.
I can't wait.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What to be, what to be.

Yesterday I ran 3 miles straight, no stops, all the way through, breathing heavily and nearly passing out... but I did it.

A 5k run is in my future. Two of my coworkers have said that they are going to do it, so in an effort to be a goal setter I have signed up for it too. The truth is that 5 kilometers is quite a short distance and should be relatively simple for me to complete given my age and general fitness, but it still scares the crap out of me because it is not as simple as me showing up to the gym and failing myself... it is me potentially not being able to keep up with two other people I have committed to.

One of the persons running is an inspiration to me as she is fit and disciplined.
The other is also an inspiration. She has lost 20 pounds and now works out very regularly, manages to say no to sweets, and plans accordingly, but I think she and I might run at more of a similar pace.

After running 3 miles (not 5 kilometers mind you) I hurried home to waste as much time as I possibly could doing laundry, making food, rearranging things that don't need rearranging so that I could put off doing my homework. At about 9pm I finally dug in to work on my final project for my class and I was reminded just how my attention is limited. At 1am I had somewhat completed what I needed to do, but this was not without breaks for skyping, eating, wandering, eating, eating.

I don't know if I'm supposed to be a student.
I don't think I really do a very good job of it.
I don't know what I'm supposed to be, frankly.

Speaking of things I don't know if I'm supposed to do... I am in this photo show that opens on Friday. You are all invited. I haven't made mention of it because I just had this fear that the prints wouldn't get done and if they were done they wouldn't be good because it turned into this ordeal that I didn't anticipate, but it seems that they are done and it will happen.

I think it might be fun, so come by if you like.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Early stages of leisure.

I've been sitting on this post for a while.
I don't feel like doing a typical weekend recap.
Maybe I am too lazy.
I was lazy this weekend afterall.
I lounged in the sun.
I have a bit of a burn as a result, even though I used sunscreen as I am resolved to always use sunscreen now. I'm almost 27, ya know.

Speaking of the sun, I spent some time yesterday editing this video.

Actually, if by editing I mean enjoying the happy accident of pairing this video with some music that I like very much by The Books. I'm quite in love with my flip camera, although I've realized that along with the camera I have to buy another external hard drive because videos are quite large and I've filled my current external with photographs.

My scar on my elbow is particularly red from the sun. Numerous people pointed it out to me this weekend. I imagine this is in part because I am wearing short sleeved shirts now, but I think the sun has made it more pronounced. The thing is, I don't really care about it as I can't really see it... but others are noticing it.

I purchased this new alarm clock.
Did I write about this earlier? I don't remember.
Regardless, the point is that my ipod could sit atop it and I would have music in my room as well as my living room. Well, frankly, it sucks.
The sound is terrible.
The light to the screen is so bright is as though a full moon shines in my room all night long.
And on top of these cons, it never goes off! The alarm has not gone off the last three times I have set it which of course means I am doing something wrong, but I want an alarm to be intuitive. I don't want to have to figure it out, I just want it to be easy and wake me up.

So, you might suggest I return it and by another?

That's a great idea... if I' hadn't have thrown away the box by accident.

Anyone want to buy a crappy alarm from me?